Archive for December 11, 2013

The Interview

“You really shot yourself in the foot,” he said.

I looked down at the burrito I was supposed to be eating. I had only ordered it because the last time my boss came to talk to me we visited the same place, and I did not eat, and it felt somewhat awkward. Never mind that I had eaten about two hours earlier and I really can’t eat when I’m nervous or stressed; the desire to place some sort of normalcy into 4 days’ worth of apprehension was my top priority.

“Here’s where you messed up.” He proceeded to give me a breakdown of the two spots in which I’d done damage to myself during the interview, both of which I was aware of. The interview was with his boss, short and clipped and detached.

“He said no.”

“OK.” I looked down again.

“Don’t get discouraged!” He proceeded to discuss the ideas he had for development and increasing rankings and told me some stories about his previous life before this job. He told me he still thinks I am probably the best person for the job, we’ve just had a setback, and he is going to do some research, as well as interview a few other candidates.

He said he will keep me posted.

It’s the best criticism I’ve ever received. I would rather know a million times over why I didn’t get a job. The REAL reason, not a fluffy reason. Not a reason that is legitimate that is backed up with false promises for development.

Just tell me I shot myself in the foot. Tell me when, where, and how. Tell me about the time you shot yourself in the foot. And tell me to not be discouraged. Tell me you still have my back if you do have it.

Have I mentioned I like my boss, and I think he’s going to be pretty great as time goes on?