Archive for July 2, 2014


A month ago I was on a conference call in which I was told about an exciting new prospect within my current job.

“We are very excited to announce we will be hiring for new MM (market manager) positions. If you are interested, you will need to apply. If you are selected for an interview you will need to provide an updated resume.”

After this, a volley of questions followed from fellow Trainers. We discovered our positions would be eliminated. There was no answer as to what would happen if we did not get the MM positions, but we were told they would “get back to us.” Our own managers (because we work for an outside company) did not know what was going on. My own was apologetic and sincere when explaining to me that she knew exactly what I knew.

The positions were supposed to go live 10 days ago, and the first ones have rolled out regionally today. Houston is not yet on the list but of course I have applied to my “bucket list” cities.

After the call I immediately started looking for any opportunities. The language in all of this was very slippery, and I don’t like taking steps backwards. My newly-hired boss told me point-blank: “There will be a lot of more experienced individuals applying for this job. You have an insiders perspective, so that will help you, but it will be a brutal interview process.” I have been working as a trainer for a little over 4 months, not doing much “manager” wise as I wasn’t supposed to.
He is the second person I have had to train on the market. The second person I am giving all the information he needs to get things done, like organizing employee lists, short forms of what  is needed to run the market, explaining the different scheduling processes and staffing to him because he doesn’t know it, doing resets, and, now, holding people accountable, because he has told me I can and should. I am making schedules for stores whose privileges have been revoked even though I am definitely NOT supposed to be doing that. Now, he keeps telling me that I’m going to become an MM, and I appreciate the positive language, but I know the real reason it is being spoken.

Nintendo, in the meanwhile, posted two job openings for Retail Reps in San Francisco, and I applied. It’s a position I’m technically overqualified for, and have wanted for almost ten years. It’s in the city I want to move to. The last time I interviewed with them it was a 3 month process. I am hoping that, if I have a chance, they call me soon. The timing and location is so weirdly perfect for this…if things were to go in my favor. I called my local rep and asked to be referred and she is trying to help me out, which means so very much on both a personal and professional level.

In the meanwhile, I apply for the other jobs, jobs I wouldn’t mind having, jobs I want…but I don’t want any of them as much as I want this one.