Stuff I Read This Week!

Today is not the most pleasant day.

Last night, I went out on a date…at least I think it may have been a date but I’m not sure. I’m not good at reading into things too much, but as my friend told me, it was probably just to get to know each other better, as the guy and I had never actually met IRL but have been friends on facebook for a couple of years. I’m trying to be more open-minded about all of that stuff. I guess I feel like it’s pointless to go on a date with someone you’re not interested in romantically, but hey, maybe that’s how you make guy friends…and I like having guy friends!! I need to be less paranoid, methinks.

Anywhoo, the only reason I even mention it is because I am now suffering a terrible allergic windfall from walking outside in cold windiness all evening. I didn’t feel cold or anything, but around 10:30 I started having a sneeze attack that didn’t let up until I took a shower and dosed up on Benadryl. I didn’t wake up until 11 today, and honestly that’s only because I barely managed to drag myself out of bed. I might even go back to sleep in a little while.

Seriously, Houston, what the hell is up with me leaving for work at 75 and sunny and leaving from work at 60, windy, and dropping? I had JUST taken my jacket out of my car yesterday!

I thought I might start a list of articles I read throughout the week; not all of them, as I tend to read quite a few, but just ones that I think are interesting or relevant to my interests/that I have thoughts about and would like to start a discussion over!

McDonald’s Theory was interesting to me…suggesting the worst idea out there tends to kickstart creativity…I think it’s a good motivational tool to use. Motivational/Management Theory articles are always very inspiring to me.

This Penny Arcade piece on Dragon’s Crown speaks to my feelings on the game. I have been excited ever since it was tentatively teased over 2 years ago in Japan. Sidescrolling brawlers are some of my favorites from over the years, and Vanillaware’s art is unparalleled, which is why I am so disappointed that everyone is up in arms about the over-endowed Sorceress. To me, Kamitani actually has his ladies fairly well-dispersed in the jugs department, and that’s more than I can say for most games, where every female is a solid DD who is scantily clad. It’s all because of the jiggling, I think, which I personally find to be quite comical. Kamitani actually wrote a letter to explain the picture he sent to Schreier in response to his article; there’s also an excellent blog and reactionary post (read the comments under this, there’s more about big boobs!) covering Kami’s artistic influences. I don’t consider it sexist if an artist can design his Sorceress, elf, and Amazon and have them all look so drastically different; even looking at Odin Sphere, one of my favorites from the past and another brawler/rpg, and the females all range from “normal” to “BEWBS” to “child” as leading ladies. I think it’s better to acknowledge the variety than make them all cookie-cutter stereotypes. Looking through the gallery on his website, the dude obviously loves naked chicks…I just don’t get the impression that he’s a super creeper. What do you think?

Finally, I have this Cracked Article about superhero movies. I like to shorten the explanation and just call it oversaturation, but the bottom line is that I agree with this. I’m curious to see what will happen, as I do feel the few big blockbuster movies I’ve seen recently have been enjoyable, but it does seem like any time there’s an overly popular trend that it ends up being destroyed over time.


  1. chazz Said:

    on May 4, 2013 at 10:26 am

    hi there ^^ visiting from Mija’s blog ^^ you have a pretty layout there! anyway, i think it is pretty amusing to date/or just meet someone from the SNS just for a change. I mean, these days, people meet more friends online rather than in real life.. it’s good to meet people in person once in a while~

    wow, I’m going to check out all the links you put up there. I’ve been watching movies online as well and I hardly read these days XD have a great weekend!


    ginger Reply:

    @chazz, Hey there! Thanks for visiting! Mija did a lovely job creating the layout!!
    Dating has always been very weird to me but I guess that’s because I very rarely like someone, so I think it’s pointless for the most part…but hey, recently single…might as well do something, right? I just worry that it might be setting someone up for a hurt if they want things to be more serious and I don’t.
    I have quite a few friends who I only know from online; they’re scattered throughout the US and the primary reason I haven’t deleted my facebook.
    Hopefully the links entertain you šŸ™‚ If you have any input I’d love to hear it!


  2. Mija Said:

    on May 6, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    Hope you’re feeling better!! This date…we must talk about this more tonight! <3

    I like the art for Dragon's Crown – I read the same article on Kotaku and was shocked how many people were going crazy about the style. If this game was on 3DS or Xbox I would get it – I am always looking for a cool fighting game!


    ginger Reply:

    @Mija, šŸ™‚ Yes ma’am. See you tonight!


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